AngularJs : Adding user Inputs to a HTML table

Some times it would be great if you can update your html view real time with user inputs without sending data to servers. It would increase efficiency of your web application (It could be insecure if used in inappropriate cases).

Here is a simple project for update a html table with user inputs
You need to have a basic understanding about Angular directives, controllers, modules, and scopes to understand this example.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html  ng-app="app" >
      <title>Ajax With Angular</title>
         table, th , td {
            border: 1px solid grey;            
            border-collapse: collapse;
            padding: 5px;
               background: lightgray;
   </head>   <body ng-controller="myController">
      <h2>Registered people</h2>
       <label>Enter names:</label>
       <input type="text" name="inputData" ng-model="inputData"/>
       <input type="button" ng-click="addData()" value="Add data"/>
       <table ng-show="display" border="1px">
           <tr ng-repeat="data in scopeData">
               <td><input type="button" value="Remove" ng-click="removeData(data)"/></td>
       <script src = "angular.min.js"></script>       
              $scope.addData = function(){
              $scope.removeData = function(data){

This simple application ask for user inputs and display them in a table. If there are no records to display it won't even display the table.

Lets see what are the angular features used in this example and why used them.

  • One module ( "app") and a controller ("myController") is used. 
  • There are 5 resources attached with the scope of controller (myController)
    • scopeData - an array of names
    • display - boolean variable to decide whether display the table or not
    • inputData - A variable get the user input from textbox
    • addData - A function to add data to "scopeData" array
    • removeData - A function to remove data from "scopeData" array
  • There are 5 angular directives used in here
    • ng-app - To load an angular module  ( more details)
    • ng-controller - To give the control of the body element to scope of "myController"
    • ng-model - To bind the input from text box with the model "inputData" 
    • ng-show - To display the table according to variable "display"
    • ng-click - To execute methods "addData" and "removeData" in the current scope.

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