Usage of JQuery Form Filters

selecting form elements can be done with JQuery form filters easily. They work like other selectors but starts with colon(:) like regular filters. There are 5 more types of filters and please refer this post about Jquery basic filters for details about other filters.

Here is a list of usage of JQuery Form Filters

Filter Purpose
:input Finds all input, select, textarea, and button elements.
:text Finds all text elements
:password Finds all password elements
:radio Finds all radio elements
:checkbox Finds all checkbox elements
:submit Finds all submit elements
:reset Finds all reset elements
:image Finds all image elements
:button Finds all button elements
:file Finds all file update elements

Here are some more options with form filters

Filter Purpose
:enabled Matches all form elements that are enabled
:disabled Matches all form elements that are disabled
:checked Matches all form elements that are ckecked (radiobuttons and checkboxes)
:selected Matches all form elements that are selected

You can find examples from this link

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